
I currently reside in Austin, TX but I was born and raised in Los Angeles, the eldest of six kids. My father is an attorney and my mother was a schoolteacher; they taught me the value of hard work, self-discipline, and education.

I have 5 adorable nieces and 2 incredibly cute nephews that I absolutely adore. Much of my free time is spent visiting them (along with my siblings) and fawning over them. The hope is that I'll have a few of my own at some point.

When I'm not working on spending time with family, you can usually find me pursuing my two passions: (1) traveling; and (2) crossfit.

I love experiencing new cultures, eating foreign food, meeting different people, and everything else that goes along with exploring the world. I've had the great fortune of visiting 35 different countries (hover / click the map below for the full list). I hope to add Japan to that list shortly (pandemic prevented a trip in mid-2022).

One thing I love to do when I'm visiting tropical locations is SCUBA diving and exploring their underwater life.

I'm a PADI-certified dive master and I've dived in 6 different countries (e.g., Thailand, Belize, Costa Rica, Mexico, Bahamas, Jamaica).

It's fun to explore a completely different world below sea level and I also find that the awareness of your body and breathing can be a highly meditative experience.

My other passion is CrossFit, which I've been pursuing semi-competitively since 2016. It's incredibly gratifying to be able to perform movements and lift weights that I wasn't able to at 20.

I regularly participate in partnered competitions with friends (often making the podium) and I've participated in each of last five Open competitions with my relative ranking improving every single year (last year put me at the 95th percentile for my age).

I'm very grateful to have found an athletic endeavor that dovetails so closely with a lot of my own personal traits: self-improvement, competitiveness, and a social desire to connect with an amazing community.