webinar » Applying Predictive Analytics to Human Resources

Applying Predictive Analytics to Human Resources

September 9, 2014
Runtime: 56:39

Companies already applying big data and predictive analytics to HR are reaping rewards. Deloitte reports that HR teams are four times more likely to be respected by their business counterparts for their data-driven decision-making.

This webinar will illuminate key tips, research findings and best practices for HR practitioners to:

  • Define and build a big data strategy that focuses on WF performance
  • Get value out the data you already have and identify new data to capture
  • Do’s and don’ts for launching a data-driven WF optimization initiative
  • Learn about predictive analytics and how it can drive business change
  • Learn unique data-driven insights about workforce performance like:
  • The impact that weather conditions have on employee performance
  • How the day of the week affects your employees performance

The sweet spot of overtime for your employees. How much causes burn out employees and how much improves productivity.
