webinar » Predictive Analytics for the Workforce: What CFOs Need to Know

Predictive Analytics for the Workforce: What CFOs Need to Know

July 30, 2014
Runtime: 53:37
Tags:  Analytics /  Data /  CFO

Webcast Summary:

Have you or members of your finance team used predictive analytics? Chances are that if you have, the aim has been to mitigate risk, set ideal pricing or forecast your customers’ actions. What companies are now discovering is that they can also apply predictive analytics to their workforces – with dramatic results.

This Webcast will explore how companies can use predictive analytics to gauge the performance of their investments in human capital.

We invite you to register for this Webcast, featuring guest speaker Mike Gualtieri, Forrester’s advanced analytics expert, and leading workforce scientist Dr. Michael Housman, chief analytics officer with Evolv, to learn how predictive analytics for the workforce can:

  • Measure employees’ contributions to business outcomes (finally!);
  • Optimize your existing teams for greater efficiency;
  • Improve customer satisfaction by 5%;
  • Lift Net Promoter Scores by as much as 4%;
  • Identify the best talent with 80% accuracy; and
  • Boost employee retention by 58%.

In addition, you will hear how finance teams can use predictive analytics to foster a common language between HR and finance that enables organizations to look through the windshield, instead of the rearview mirror, to manage their workforces successfully. Register now to learn how

Webcast Speakers:

Mike Gualtieri, Principal Analyst serving Application Development & Delivery Professionals, Forrester Research

Dr. Michael Housman, Chief Analytics Officer, Evolv
