article » Study says that this Commonly-Used Interview Screening Tactic Actually has 'No Value'

Study says that this Commonly-Used Interview Screening Tactic Actually has 'No Value'

June 4, 2012
1 min read

Hiring and training new employees is expensive and time-consuming, so most companies will try to detect "job hoppers" — those who change jobs frequently — early in the interviewing process.

According to a recently published study by Evolv, the commonly-used screening tactic of evaluating work history rejects between two to six percent of applicants solely because they appear to have a flight risk. But the study says this interviewing strategy "may actually have no value predicting employment success."

For the study, more than 100,000 employees at a call center were asked about their employment history and current tenure, and researchers concluded that there was "very little relationship" between the two.

The study says:

"These results indicates that an applicant's previous work history is actually a poor predictor of employment outcomes. In fact, there is other assessment content that is a much more strongly predictive of both attrition as well as performance on the job.

"Clearly, a more nuanced understanding of the applicant as well as his or her personality, aptitudes, work style, technical skills and fit for the position are necessary to make more informed recruiting decisions."

The chart below shows that those who perpetually changed jobs and those who didn't change as often have similar chances — only an eleven day difference — of staying at their current jobs for longer periods of time. The different colors represent how many jobs a person's held in the last five years:

For the full-length version of the article, please click here.
