webinar » What's the Problem with Bots for Customer Chat? Dr. Michael Housman Speaks to General Assembly

What's the Problem with Bots for Customer Chat? Dr. Michael Housman Speaks to General Assembly

December 19, 2017
Runtime: 00:44

Dr. Michael Housman, Chief Data Scientist at RapportBoost.AI, speaks to General Assembly about the problem with using bots for customer chat, and why they aren't advanced enough to convey your brand's message.

Bots really struggle to engage with consumers in an authentic way. They’re not good at selling, they often don’t reflect the brand identity. For brands that want to convey a fun, fresh personality, bots feel robotic and people pick up on that. And finally, when we create bots using decision trees, they often repeat the same answer over and over. It doesn’t customize or personalize the interaction.
