webinar » Insight Series: Three P’s To Optimize Consumer Experience

Insight Series: Three P’s To Optimize Consumer Experience

August 17, 2017
Runtime: 01:25

Dr. Michael Housman of RapportBoost.AI discusses how to customize consumer experience online by providing predictive, prescriptive, and personalized recommendations.

There’s no question that artificial intelligence is going to be able to completely transform the consumer experience. And the way that’s going to happen is by virtue of the Three P’s:

Predictive, Prescriptive, Personalized.

With Prescriptive it’s really about understanding the consumer's needs and then offering up recommendations that suit them. So for example, when I was searching on Amazon for Cross-Fit goods, what it recommended were kits for torn and calloused hands.

With Predictive, it’s about anticipating the consumer’s needs before they even are aware of them. So for example, as I was searching for sushi restaurants on Google and I switched over to Google Maps, what were already highlighted in my neighborhood were sushi restaurants I might want to visit.

And finally with Personalized, it’s really about understanding the consumer and customizing their experience. So if I’m visiting Sephora’s website, it should know that I’m likely to be looking for shaving cream and face wash as opposed to makeup and eyeliner.

So when artificial intelligence can really nail down those three things, Prescriptive, Predictive and Personalized, it’s going to create incredible consumer experiences that keep them coming back to your brand, over and over.
